From the TV anime "Jujutsu Kaisen," the "Special Grade Sorcerer" Satoru Gojo, featured in the "TV Anime 'Jujutsu Kaisen' POP UP STORE 'Shibuya Incident -CLIMAX-'," has been transformed into a 1/7 scale figure based on the "Life-Size Satoru Gojo Shibuya Incident" exhibit, thanks to the incredible collaboration between MAPPA and Design COCO. Bring the pinnacle of Satoru Gojo, who takes on the strongest challenges, into your collection.
Product Overview:
- Product Name: MAPPA x Design COCO Jujutsu Kaisen Shibuya Incident Satoru Gojo 1/7 Scale Figure
- Type: 1/7 Scale PVC Painted Completed Figure
- Size: Overall Height: Approximately 228mm (including the base)
- Sculpting and Coloring: Design COCO (Art Director: A2C) / Hinokiya
- Release and Sales: Design COCO Co., Ltd.
- Copyright Notice: © Gege Akutami / Shueisha・Jujutsu Kaisen Production Committee
This 1/7 scale figure captures the essence of Satoru Gojo's character from the hit anime "Jujutsu Kaisen" with incredible attention to detail. Don't miss the chance to add this impressive figure to your collection.