Prepare for a blast from the past as Daichi Iseya, renowned for sculpting Ikaruga, introduces the second shooter game plastic model kit - none other than R-GRAY1 from the classic late 90's shooter game RAYSTORM!
This meticulously crafted model kit captures every detail of R-GRAY1 with astonishing precision, leaving users in awe of its intricacy and scale. Hand-sculpted to perfection, this kit boasts unparalleled authenticity, ensuring a truly immersive building experience.
Relive the excitement of RAYSTORM as the model brings to life R-GRAY1's most iconic feature - the lock-on laser. The canopy, recreated with clear parts, adds to the model's realism, enhancing its visual appeal.
As a special bonus, the kit includes MECHANICAL BASE FLYING3 with printed tampography, adding an extra layer of excitement to your display. Get ready to embark on a nostalgic journey with R-GRAY1, the ultimate homage to a beloved shooter game classic!