The RG Gundam Epyon from "New Mobile Report Gundam Wing" is a completely new model featuring advanced articulation and RG-original design elements inspired by a pterosaur. Here are some of its key features:
- It features a two-axis + one-axis swing mechanism in the torso and forward abdominal articulation for improved forward bending flexibility.
- The hip joints have a locking mechanism, allowing for a wide range of motion and stability.
- The wrists have additional articulation axes and forearm roll articulation for versatile posing.
- The shoulder armor can expand to maintain shoulder positioning when lifting the arms, accommodating powerful poses.
- The leg blades follow the movement of the knees, allowing for natural kneeling poses.
- The wing sections are designed to expand in conjunction with the wing articulation, and the base axis allows for height adjustment.
- In MA mode, the horns and mouth can open for expressive displays.
- The shin features a pull-out ball joint for flexible neck movement.
- The heat rod uses the Advanced MS Joint for sharp design and flexible movement.
- The kit includes a beam sword, beam sword holder, shield, heat rod, hand parts, display joint parts (MS/MA), a lead wire, and realistic decals.
- Beam Sword x1
- Beam Sword Holder x1
- Shield x1
- Heat Rod x1
- Hand Parts x1 set
- Display Joint Parts x2 types (MS/MA)
- Lead Wire x1
- Realistic Decals x1